Saturday, August 15, 2009

We're off ! Want to keep track of where we are? Here's our itinerary more or less:

  1. Aug. 16-19--Florida
  2. Aug. 19-25--Washington, D.C.
  3. Aug. 25-31--San Mateo, CA
  4. Sept.-Oct.--Tokyo, Japan
  5. Nov. 1-8--Sydney, Australia
  6. Nov. 8-Jan. 19, 2010--Auckland, New Zealand
  7. Jan. 19-21--Bangkok, Thailand
  8. Jan. 21-31--Haifa
  9. Feb. - May --Zurich, Switzerland
  10. May 31-July 16--Trento, Italy
  11. July 16-20--Paris, France
  12. July 21-30--Haifa
  13. July 31-Sept. 6--San Mateo
  14. Sept. 7--BACK TO HAIFA-- PSS (Post Sabbatical Syndrome) sets in


  1. we are looking forward to reading about your BIG adventure..gail and avi

  2. Max and I are honored to be part of the L&M Bloghead nation.
    Hope to see you in SM to discuss possible Zurich or Trento or paris hookup
    xxxooo M&M

  3. Laurie and Miles: This is great. Eileen and I are jealous. Don't know if you see your email. Contact us--we'd love to see you in Washington. We will be home--albeit remodeling bathrooms, and Josh's semester will have started. Joshua and Eileen

  4. Okay ..Pekka has got me on board and even with a photo. (You're forcing me into the 21st century.) Hope to talk to you next week. Love from both of us to both of you, P&P

  5. we are so excited for you!!!! We will watch all year. See you soon.
    Loads of love from both of us
    Aunt and Unc

  6. Laurie and Miles

    We are really looking forward to seeing you both on Wednesday, Chez R & P

    We are signed in and will eagerly follow you adventures

    Marilyn and Boris
